
Pronounced ah - rist - uh - mo
1. Sometimes a word so naughty that it has been known to send three year olds out of the room covering their mouth to tell their mommies.
2. When combined with the hand gesture of kissing the fingers, it can mean an excellent or lovely meal. (See Italian - Bellissimo)
3. Often used as a secret password in order to ensure that the person you are talking to is really the person you are talking to. (wink)
4. This word can really mean whatever you want it to mean. It is a made up word that sounds really kewl (another made up word)
The word "aristimo" was first coined in the office of Pastor Ray McDonald several years ago. Three year old Felicity, daughter of one of the church custodians, came in to Pastor Ray's office and asked him what he was doing. He replied "Aristimo," a response that was very unsettling to little Felicity. Sharply inhaling, she covered her mouth and ran out of the room.
Upon finding her mommy, Felicity explained to her that Pastor Ray had said a naughty word. Her mom questioned, “What did he say?”
“You know, that word.” was Felicity’s response.
After much coaxing, Felicity went back and asked Pastor Ray what "that word" meant. He explained that "aristimo" is a made-up word that can mean anything you want it to. But even today, at seven, Felicity refuses to repeat this word.

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