The awkward turtle

The awkward turtle is a gesture popular with the teenage generation. It is made by placing one hand above the other, palms down, and wiggling the thumbs. The awkward turtle is used to make awkward situations not awkward. This gesture can be done alone, or accompanied with the word, "awkward."

There are many variations of the awkward turtle, such as the up-side-down awkward turtle, behind the back awkward turtle, one handed awkward turtle, et cetera. Other spellings also include akward turtle, awkward trtle, akwrd trtl, and more. As well as the awkward turtle, other "awkward" gestures include the awkward balloon, awkward last clap, and the awkward duck. These are just a few examples of gestures made to make awkward positions less awkward.

The awkward turtle is used in situations such as an awkward silence, when someone says something without thinking, in awkward situations between teenagers, or other similar scenarios. Usually after someone creates the awkward turtle, it is repeated by others who are familiar with the sign, thus removing the awkwardness from the situation. When used in a situation where the gesture is not familiar, the awkward turtle works as a conversation starter, also removing the awkwardness from the area. It helps if the maker of the gesture makes eye-contact with the person they want to send the signal to most, though it is not required.
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