Armen Firman

:For the Australian rock-group by the same name, see:
Armen Firman was an Andalusian-Arab remembered for an attempt at flight in 852 AD. He wrapped himself in a loose cloak stiffened with wooden struts and jumped from a tower in Córdoba, Spain, intending to use the garment as wings on which he could glide. The attempt was unsuccessful, but the garment slowed his fall enough that he only sustained minor injuries.
Armen Firman is the latinized name of Abbas Ibn Firnas, a philosopher, poet and inventor from Al-Andalus. Some people claim that Firman and Firnas were two different people using this article of 'Engines Of Our Ingenuity' by John H. Lienhard as a proof for it. There Lienhard writes that 'young' Ibn Firnas saw Firman's jump from the tower, but Ibn Firnas was aged 42 at the time of the jump, which is a bit far from 'young' back on 852.
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