Annmarie Hanlon is an author of digital marketing textbooks, an academic at Cranfield University and contributes to debates on emerging technology in the UK. She has spoken to the Daily Mail and Sky News about Christmas adverts, to Metro about Elon Musk's Twitter takeover and to the BBC about disabled influencers. Education She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Court Assistant of the Worshipful Company of Marketors. She was a Trustee of Birmingham School of Acting with Simon M. Woods. Hanlon gained her PhD in 2019. Career and publications In 1994 Hanlon was named a director of the Prince's Youth Trust. Hanlon has published the leading textbook on digital marketing, textbooks and reference books on digital business and social media marketing. The third edition of the textbook Digital Marketing (publication March 2025), is used in over 197 universities and has been translated into Greek. * Digital Business, Strategy, Management & Transformation * The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing, co-edited with Tracy L. Tuten * The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Marketing * Digital Marketing, Strategic Planning & Integration * The Digital Marketing Planner * She worked as a marketing and business consultant for over 25 years, moving into academia in 2016. Hanlon taught social media management at the University of St Gallen business school (2016, 2018) and joined Cranfield School of Management in 2019. She is course director for MSc marketing and leadership. Hanlon is the editor of the marketing series of talks for HST. Florida International University (FIU) invited Hanlon as a visiting fellow to its international executive MBA programme (2022, 2023). Awards and honours * Best worldwide results award winner from the Worshipful Company of Marketors (1991) * Mais bursary award winner from the Worshipful Company of Marketors (2014) * Freeman of the City of London