Angeldressed Demon (TV series)

Angeldressed Demon (or The Angeldressed Demon, or Αγγελοφορεμενος Δαιμονας in Greek) is a Greek miniseries written and directed by Eleftheria Karadimou.
Episode 1: A woman named Baso along with her daughter Nana arrive at the house of Baso's sister called Eleftheria, Nana was locked in an asylum for the past 4 years as she apparently had visions of her dead sister (who was named Ivoni) after she cut her wrists. After some time Nana starts exploring the city where she meets a girl named Inovi that looks a lot like her dead sister and they become friends and decide to visit a village near the sea.
Episode 2: As Nana and her friend start exploring the village, Nana starts to think that the name Inovi is almost the same one as Ivoni, right after that her friend confirms that she is the ghost of Nana's dead sister and wants revenge, Ivoni chases Nana and tries to kill her but Nana escapes into the forest.
Episode 3: Baso meets a young man named Stabro and decides to have sex with him in her house, meanwhile Nana meets a seemingly mute man named Baggelis who wants to help her escape from Ivoni, after they arrive and hide in Baggelis' house, Baggelis says that his father and brother killed his older sister and buried her somewhere in the forest and that his sister wants revenge too.
Episode 4: Baso starts to get worried about the disappearance of Nana and along with her maid, named Katia to call the police to search the village that Nana and Ivoni visited, the police find the car of Nana and start to search for her. Nana reveals to Baggelis that she killed Inovi because she was jealous of her and that she faked Inovi's suicide and that this is the reason she probably wants revenge.
Episode 5: The police continue to search in the forest as Baggelis' brother named Mpampis arrives in the house and Baggelis tells Nana to hide in the forest because his brother would probably kill her, Mpamis threatens Baggelis to tell him where is Nana but he doesn't.
Episode 6: Ivoni finds Nana in the forest and chases her again, the police arrives at the house of Baggelis' and after a long research finds the dead body of the sister of Baggelis' and as they are ready to arrest Mpamis and Baggelis' father, who is named Maxos, Nana and Ivoni are seen by the police.
Episode 7: The police try to stop Ivoni and a policeman shoots Ivoni in the back, Nana steals a car and Ivoni chases her with another stolen car, Nana crashes outside a restaurant and as she tries to get out of the car to escape, Ivoni arrives but before she can kill Nana the police arrive too and Ivoni is shoot down, however, she starts to possess the trucks and vans that are parked in the restaurant, the trucks and vans try to kill the policemen but Baggelis tells Nana to tell the truth to the police so the ghost of Ivoni/Inovi could rest in peace, Nana agrees and tells it to the police, Ivoni/Invoi then rests in peace and the trucks stop working but Nana is locked again.
Episode 8: Eleftheria tells Kate that they need to poison Baso so she will die and her wealth will go to them, Baso is in a restaurant with her boyfriend while suddenly the boyfriend's father arrives and reveals that he had a relationship with Baso at the same time, causing a big argument in the restaurant, meanwhile Eleftheria tells her boyfriend her plan to kill Baso, Elefteria's eyes glow, implying that she was the real "Angeldressed Demon".
* Eleftheria Karadimou as Eleftheria
* Baso Ziarou as Baso
* Nana Asimidou as Nana
* Baggelis Papadimitriou as Baggelis
* Nikos Panagiotokaras as Policeman
* Serios Karamanos as Second Policeman
* Katia Armeni as Katia
* Stelios Targianou as Baso's Boyfriend
* Basilis Parageourgiou as Eleftheria's Boyfriend
* Banias Barnabou as Mpampis
* Narbos Lagianou as Maxos
* Errikos Papadimitriou as Third Policeman
* Basilis Ragiokas as Fourth Policeman
* Argiakos Ragiokas as Fifth Policeman
* Errikos Fargianou as Police Chief
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