Ancient Azerbaijani tribes

Ancient Azerbaijani tribes refers to the numerous tribes that inhabited Azerbaijan in ancient times. It some of the oldest traces of humans outside Africa, such as the Azokh Cave in Fizuli District and numerous other sites that date back to the Stone Age. The tribes were formed as far back as the 3rd millennium BC.
Descendants of Noah, the Nakhchies are one of Azerbaijan's oldest tribes, and live in what is known today as Nakhchivan. The oldest artifacts found in the region date back to the Neolithic Age. Today Nakhchivan has about 500,000 residents, and their culture and literature differ somewhat from that of Azerbaijanis in Baku.
The Caspians are the most notable tribe of Azerbaijan. They are from Baku and the coast. Herodotus, Strabo, and other classical authors repeatedly mention the Caspians but do not seem to have known much about them. Today, they are the most powerful people in Azerbaijan.
This is a Kurdish tribe. The people of Azerbaijan have blended with the Lullubi. This tribe dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. Most Azerbaijanis are part Kurdish based in their DNA.
The Gargars are one of the tribes in modern-day Karabakh. Not much information exits about this tribe. But they developed the Caucasian Albanian language and probably their culture influenced other tribes. The Gargareans are held by some historians to figure in the ancestry of the Chechen and the Ingush people, and equivalent or at least related to the Georgian Dzurdzuks.
This tribe is the most important in Azerbaijan's history, and they developed its culture. This tribe is located in Karabakh and all the way to Sheki. The name Artsakh actually means "Land of Sakhs" in other sources. This tribe first surfaced in the 3rd millennium BC.
In the Karabakh war, 40,000 museum holdings went missing, 464 historical monuments and museums were destroyed, nine historical palaces were looted and ruined, and over 900 libraries were destroyed. The history of the Caucasus was almost completely erased
In addition to the above tribes, whose existence has been documented, numerous other tribes were forgotten after the war. Azerbaijan lacked resources because of the Soviet Union, so records are sparse.
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