Amjad Qursha

Amjad Qursha (born in 1967) Jordanian Islamic preacher and a professor at the University of Jordan. He is specialized in comparative religion and Western Islamic Relations. He graduated from the University of Birmingham in UK. Qourshah became famous for his remedial campaign against corruption in Jordan after the Arab Spring. He also has several TV and radio shows which gained him reputation in Jordan and the Arab World.
He got his doctorate (about Quran ethics compared to the ethical philosophy of some other religions especially Christianity) his dissertation title is " A Muslim's Perspective Towards Han Kung's Concept of Global Ethic".
While for his master's degree was in interpretation of Quran from the University of Jordan. The topic of his dissertation is " The Linguistic Miraculous of the Holy Quran"
B.A.: Religion Origins, The University of Jordan.

Media Work- Radio and Television
On Television
Rahat Al-Quloub (Hearts' Comfort)
Jadid Hayatak (Renew Your Life)

On Radio
Hatta Ughairu Ma Bi Anfusihim (Unless They Change Themselves)
Al-Kalemah Al- Taeibah (The Good Word)
Youth Issues from Islamic Perspective
Happy Home
Qourshah traveled to more than 110 cities around the world. He taught and lectured about Islam in both Arabic and English languages in many countries like UK, Germany, USA, Hungary, China, Hong Kong and Australia.
Personal Life
Amjad Qourshah is married and has four daughters and a son (Bayan,Leen,Jood,Juman and Jawad).
Jordanian Authorities arrested him in 14-June-2016 on remand under the charge of sharing a video ( a year before his arrest ) criticizing Jordan participation in the alliance against ISIS. Qourshah stated in the video that arms and drug dealers in addition to car-stealing gangs are more dangerous to the country than ISIS.
While the prosecutor of State Security Court added to the previous charge Qourshah's attempts to disturbing the connections with a friendly nation by doings that was not permitted by the government.
The arrest of Amjad Qourshah caused an angry reactions among young people on social media.
He was released in 6- September-2016 on bail.
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