American Nightlife Association

The American Nightlife Association (ANA) is an organization that helps simplify government regulations and provides professionals in the nightlife industry with news, strategies, tools, resources, trends, and techniques on how to improve. The organization also helps certify standards in the industry, like insurance plans, security training, alcohol service training, acceptable identification policy, narcotics awareness policy, and sexual assault awareness policy among others. It aims to incentivize bars and night clubs by offering them training and webinars. ANA operates as a central body in the United States, helping entrepreneurs and their prospects of setting up bars, restaurants, and delis in the nightlife industry. who is currently the Chairman of the company, and is headquartered in Washington, DC. The organization is collectively led by JC Diaz, Lev Filimonov, Sales & Marketing Consultant and Marketing Officer, and Alex Balaban, Business Development Consultant of the company.
ANA was originally founded as the National Club Council in 1989. It was renamed as the National Club Industry Association of America in 1999.
In 2018, the American Nightlife Association (ANA) launched a new program, called Bars of the Future.
In 2019, The American Nightlife Association partnered with LA Fund, an incubator and investment fund, focusing on improving the hospitality industry by using the association's network of venues, brands, and investors.
The innovation arm of the American Nightlife Association, LA Fund, has joined with 500 Startups to work on the slow pace of innovation within the hospitality industry.
The European Nightlife Association was set up in Paris to unify the trade unions 'UMIH' (France), 'SILB FIPE' (Italy), 'Ocio de Ibiza' (Spain), 'FECASARM' Spain, by Mr. Laurent Lutse, president of 'UMIH', Mr. Carlos Caballero, president of 'Spain Nightlife', Mr. Christian Braun, president of 'Ocio de Ibiza', and Joaquim Boadas, president of 'FECASARM' in 2014. The Nightlife Association merger with International Nightlife Association is approved the same year. American Nightlife Association merged with the International Nightlife Association in 2014 and JC Diaz became the vice-president of INA.
Community Involvement
The American Nightlife Association is involved in fundraising for educational event promotions, promoting neighborhood districts, recognizing industry leaders, developing networking, and employment opportunities.
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