
Alsamarketing is a Marketing Automation software provider located in Montreal, Quebec. The company was founded in 2010 by Alexandre Sagala and Jean-François Buist. The company offers an online marketing platform that allows small and medium businesses to manage, automate and measure their online marketing campaigns. Alsamarketing is AppExchange certified and integrates with and SugarCRM.
Alsamarketing is an online product used by marketers to manage, automate and measure their online marketing campaigns. The product consists of various modules to create, manage, measure and activate lead generation activities such as landing pages, forms and email marketing campaigns. Alsamarketing automates the execution of marketing campaign, the lead qualification process and the assignment of lead to sales. Information can also be shared in a compatible customer relationship management(CRM) system. Website visitors are identified and tracked with web analytics. The product also contains reporting functionality to measure key marketing metrics such as return on investment(ROI) and cost per lead (CPL).
Alsamarketing published feature list includes:
* Marketing Automation
* Demand Generation
* Lead scoring
* Lead management
* Email Marketing
* Lead generation
* Lead Nurturing
* Lead Segmentation
* Website Visitor Tracking
* Web Form Mapping and Data Capture
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