Allison Christine Johnson

Allison Christine Johnson (born November 4, 1973) is an American vandal and neo-Nazi known for drawing racist graffiti in Oklahoma. She has done vandalism in at least three different locations in Norman, Oklahoma such as an elementary school in the town, the Democratic Party building in Oklahoma, and the Chickasaw Nation building. The graffiti done by her were said to be of racial slurs and swastikas.
On April 4, 2019, she was arrested for "making terrorist threats". She pleaded guilty in January 2020 and the judge agreed to dismiss the charges if she completed a mental health program.
The Democratic Party in Oklahoma responded to the incident by addressing that Johnson is a registered Republican and not a Democratic like what was said on the posts they read and denouncing "hatred, bigotry, and criminal behavior".
Signs that say "Hate has no home here" have been made throughout Oklahoma as a response to the incident.
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