Allied Wallet

Allied Wallet is a global provider of e-commerce merchant services and payment processing services with offices on nearly every continent. Allied Wallet has offered their payment solutions since 2002 and currently has a user base of about 52 million.
The company was featured in "In focus" TV special on online security and was recently named one of "INC 500's Fastest Growing Companies of 2013.
* Online merchant services / merchant account
* Multi-currency payment processing
* Credit card payments
* Virtual eWallet with mobile transaction
* ACH Processing
* PCI DSS Level 1 Compliance
* Customizable Fraud Scrub
* Proprietary blacklist for fraud protection
Supported currencies
*Yuan Renminbi
Further reading
* Dynamic currency conversion
Notable events
* Fortune magazine covers Allied Wallet as a leader in fraud prevention.
* Allied Wallet was featured in "In focus" TV special on online security.
* Allied Wallet opened a new office at Wall Street.
* Allied Wallet praised in Bloomberg Businessweek for its CEO's vision.
* The Sunday Telegraph shows how Allied Wallet helps business grow.
* The Guardian recognizes as the face of payment innovation.
* Wired magazine recognizes Aliied Wallte's success.
* Allied Wallet forms new partnership to perpetuate Chinese e-commerce.
* Allied Wallet partners with Cartes Bancaires to revolutionze e-commerce.
* Allied Wallte strengthens outreach to European merchants.
* VISA Europe confirms Allied Waller as an approved merchant agent.
* Allied Wallet boards former Visa Vice President.
Supported causes
# The Eagle and Badge Foundation
# The Brent Shapiro Foundation
# After-School All-Stars Program
# American Red Cross
# Action Innocence Group
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