All Events In City

All Events in City is an event discovery and promotions platform. The platform facilitates organisers to list and feature their events, connect to the attendees through their organizer profile and also to sell the tickets for their events. As of September 2015, organisers have listed more than 45 million events from across 30,000 cities and towns around the world onto the portal. Users of the platform discover events of their interest from various categories like business meet-ups, concerts, parties, exhibitions, live performances, entertainment shows and more.
Brief History

All Events in City was born out of a challenge that the co-founders faced when they wanted to discover events happening in their city. On realizing that the data on internet is scattered and there is no single specific portal where one can find all information about events they created All Events In City.
All Events in City as the name suggests is a portal that brings to its visitors and patrons all the events happening in their respective cities as well as other cities they are seeking information about. With it’s smart search and recommendation feed it acts as a social event discovery app that lists and details a variety of events according to interest, while also keeping its visitors informed and updated of events their friends are attending and events their favourite organizers are conducting.
All Events in City is designed as a one stop destination for exploring all the events happening around a local area or region, bridging the gap between the event organizers and event seekers. From Music to Meet-ups, from sports to exhibitions, from conferences to dances, academic meet-ups to student get-together, All Events in City gives out listings and comprehensive details as per specific geographies with a special focus on discovering local events.
As of 2015, All Events in City caters to more than 3 million active users across 30,000 cities of the world to explore events based on their interest. Since going live in 2011, All Events in City has listed and promoted more than 45 million events across the globe, making the digital platform a ready-reckoner for events in more than 100 countries globally.
Awards and recognitions
The Manthan Award, South Asia & Asia Pacific : 2012
mBillionth Mobile Awards, South Asia Finalist : 2012
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