Alfredo Caponnetto (1978-) is an Italian-Mexican composer. Biography He graduated in Composition from the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali Vincenzo Bellini di Catania, in Italy, where he studied with Maestro Giovanni Ferrauto, followed seminars of Maestro Giacomo Manzoni, and Maestro Maurizio Giliberto. He also attended the class of Prof. Alba D’Urbano at the Hochschule für Grafik and Buchkunst; and that of Prof. Peter Herrmann at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy”. His works have been performed by the Edinburgh Quartet (Reid Concert Hall and Queen’s Hall Edinburgh), Composers’ Orchestra, Edinburgh Contemporary Music Ensemble, Hebrides Ensemble, in the UK, Italy and Germany. Some of his compositions have been published by Europa Edition and Edizioni Novecento. Along with composition, Alfredo has always been interested in first hand research on original scores of historic and unperformed works. An essay about the vocal techniques used by the 20th century composer A. Sangiorgi in his opera La Nuova Colonia was included in the music review magazine I Quaderni dell'Istituto published by the prestigious editor Libreria Musicale Italiana. He completed in 2006 a MMus in Composition at the University of Edinburgh, under the supervision of Prof. Nigel Osborne and Prof. Peter Nelson and is now undertaking a PhD in the same field. He is also currently working as Associated Staff at the Music Department and as a Lecturer at the Office of Lifelong Learning of the University of Edinburgh, where he has taught Composition, Music Analysis, Style Studies, and a course on Beethoven. Alfredo was granted the Dewar Arts Award as a composer in 2007, and most recently, was selected by SPNM to join the group of artists that spnm’s independent panels of judges feel currently represents the best emerging new talent in the UK.