Alfonso Plazas Vega Conspiracy

The Alfonso Plazas Vega Conspiracy is a unproven theory charging Colonel Alfonso Plazas Vega of "taking part in the enforced disappearance of 11 people in 1985". The case hase brought much controversy and attention to human rights activists and civilian protesters; particularly because of the alleged violation of the defendant's rights by the Colombian civilian courts.
Plazas' trial began on 2007. It charged Colonel Plazas of forced disappearence, kidnapping, and torture. It was based on the events of "The 5th and 6th of November, 1985 when an armed M-19 group attacked the Palace of Justice (Supreme Court of Colombia). After two days, the military managed to defeat the plan and to rescue at least 250 people." The attack was named the Palace of justice siege
Plazas's role in the Palace of Justice Siege
On November 6 of 1985, shortly before noon, a group of guerrillas from the M-19 burst violently at the Palace of Justice ...
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