Alexey Gorshkov

Alexey Gorshkov is a Russian physicist who has written over 100 peer-reviewed articles which brought him an h-index of 25. He was a doctoral student in Harvard University where he, Thibault Peyronel, and Qiu Liang were under Mikhail Lukin's guidance. Later on, he served at California Institute of Technology in Pasadena of which he became a fellow in 2010. After working there, he was hired by the Joint Quantum Institute of the University of Maryland where he still works.
On August 21, 2007 he published a study of He in which he used electronvolt in combination with nucleon. He also wrote that during the study he received both energy and angular correlations with the helium being used for completion of kinematical buildup. During the study, he wrote that he found resonance at 2.0 ± 0.2 while the width of the electrovolt was ~2. He and his group also observed the 1/2− interference and when the resonance is changed to the + state it frequency modulation becomes -20. When the resonance is 5/2+ though the electovolt's energy is 4.2, according to his study.
On September 7, 2007 he demonstrated equivalence between various techniques of photon retrieval in its free space and its storage there. In two separate research papers that he and his group wrote, he described his analytical structure for cavity model which includes C/(1+C) equation in which C is cooperativity for photon retrieval and as long as there is TCγ⪢1 formula for its storage in which T is equals to duration and 2γ is its transition, it suppose to work.
In 2010 he showed a demonstration of fermionic alkaline earth atoms which he loaded into optical lattice and used them as quantum simulator. During the experiment he and his group also demonstrated the electronic angular momentum spin of special unitary group in which N is more then 10 suggesting that by combining the free electronic degree along with the spin can evolve into spin-orbital interaction. On August 5 of the same year, he used the pi function to map the atomically excitated photons which he then combined with fermion. The combination then create spin chains which generate spin waves which suggests that various experimental systems are not perfect.
On January 27, 2011 he wrote his analysis on the transferring between quantum state and quantum coupling while using remote qubits and various spin chains. He discovered that it doesn't require control for singular spins and it can be achieved just by using a processor with higher quantum information. During the study he used one example which was nitrogen-vacancy center set a micrometer away from the processor and still received the same amount of coupling in room temperature degree.
On September 8, of the same year he and his group have published a piece on optical lattice and its chemical polarity. As a part of the the first step into its t-J model, they used renormalized matrix to convert it to t-J-V-W model which then can be combined with Bloch oscillations. In addition to it, he discovered that it is possible to use it along with the probe of the phase diagram in an experimental way.
On February 26, 2013 he became a coauthor of the study publication which was investigated by Salvatore R. Manmana, and Edwin Miles Stoudenmire who created a formula for the anisotropic spin: S≥1/2. In September 2013 he, along with Thibault Peyronel and Qiu Liang have developed a new form of matter which was based on photonic molecules.
From May 19 to 23, 2009 he, Ana Maria Rey and Michael Feig spoke at the meeting which was held by APS Division of the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics. Gorshkov have talked mainly about quantum registers, dipole oscillations, and Kohn theorem. From February 27 to March 2 of 2012 he spoke at NASA's Astrophysics Data System where he showed how chemical polarity in optical lattices develops into many-body state by copying equilibrium mode distribution, a part of spin model. During the speech he also talked about cat states and Dmrg of Heisenberg model. In March 2014 he held a meeting at the American Physical Society which was held by John Bollinger, where he described electromagnetically induced transparency which include Rydberg states and its atoms. During the same meeting he talked about many-body theory, quantum gates, and photon correlations.<ref name=aps/>
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