Alexandra Taylor (entrepreneur)

Alexandra Taylor is an Internet entrepreneur and co-founder of PetShop uk and its subsidiary company, VetShop uk. She was awarded the Natwest Everywoman Artemis Award for female business owners aged 25 and under.
PetShop uk
PetShop uk (formerly PetShopBowl Ltd) was founded in 2010 by Miss Tamasan and her partner Adam Taylor (now husband). The couple were given a £5,000 Prince's Trust loan to set up their business at an incubator attached to Warwick University. PetShop uk is an online retailer of pet food and pet supplies. The company claims to be the "friendliest" online pet store, with every member of its staff owning a pet. They have a subscription service called the 'Bottomless Bowl', an auto-repeat delivery service on pet food and pet supplies in the UK.
Natwest Everywoman Award
Alexandra Taylor was awarded the Natwest Everywoman Award for female business owners aged 25 for her start-up company, PetShop uk. She describes the award as "particularly special" because it has made her feel more self-confident and shows that a young woman can achieve in business.<ref name"auto"/>
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