
Al-Sawatra Al-Umawiyoun (), known simply as Al-Sawatra (), is an Arab tribe that descends from Umayyad caliph Umar bin Abd al-Aziz.
Khalid bin Saleh bin Mohammed is considered the grandfather of this tribe in Iraq (Khalid was called al-Mutahir, and he was alive in the year 981 AH), and this is proven and verified by documents. Khalid emigrated from the Levant and settled in the city of Hit. He sought legal knowledge in the year 1034 AH, and was a student of Sheikh Ismail Mustafa Al-Khatib in the city of Hit.
Khalid bin Saleh bin Mohammed was a scholar and author of a fatwa, and this is proven and verified by supporting documents.
Khalid bin Saleh bin Mohammed married Al-Hassaniya, the daughter of his sheikh Ismail Mustafa Al-Khatib in the year 1057 AH, and had two sons and a daughter, Ali bin Khalid, born in the year 1059 AH, and Ahmed bin Khaled was born in the year 1061 AH, and from them the tribe branched out in Iraq and its offspring spread.
The lineage of the Al-Sawatra tribe in Iraq goes back to the Umayyad Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz, from the offspring of his son Abdullah.
Their lineage goes back to Arshid bin Abdul Latif bin Al-Haj Fitaih bin Hassan bin Muhammad bin Mahmoud bin Ahmed bin Khalid bin Saleh bin Muhammad Al-Mustarib bin Omar bin Khalid bin Bashir bin Hazem bin Abdul Rahman bin Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Khalid bin Ibrahim bin Ismail bin Muhammad Bin Daoud Bin Saud Abu Al-Futuh Bin Marwan Bin Saud Bin Marwan Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Rahman Bin Amer Bin Suleiman Bin Majd Bin Abi Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Al-Khalifa Al-Adil Bin Omar Bin Abdulaziz Bin Marwan Bin Al-Hakam Bin Abi Al-Aas Bin Umayyah Bin Abd Shams Bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin Kilab bin bin bin bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Madrakah bin Elias bin Mudar bin bin bin Adnan.
The people of this tribe mostly live in Hit, Ramadi, Fallujah, and Baghdad. Some members of this tribe live in Jordan. Known branches of this tribe include Albu Himim, Al-Marawna, and Albu Arshid. Al-Sawatra follow Sunni Islam.
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