Al Kudlow

Al Kudlow refers to individuals that commit to strict adherence to the principles of supply-side economics and market fundamentalism and refute all other contrary beliefs and opinions. The term gets its name from combining Al-Qaeda, the fanatic Muslim militant organization and Larry Kudlow, arguably the group’s most visible figure.
Larry Kudlow is a supply-side economics enthusiast and television personality. Kudlow currently hosts the TV program Kudlow & Company on CNBC which promotes the ideals and virtues of supply-side economics and has a devoted following.
The reference to al Queda represents followers' fanaticism toward supply-side economics.
The term is used in both a derogatory and positive sense.

*Larry Kudlow
*Don Luskin
*Arthur Laffer
*David Stockman
*John Fund
*Steve Moore
*Jude Wanniski
*Robert Bartley

*Supply-side economics
*Market fundamentalism
*Laffer Curve
*Trickle-down economics
*A rising tide lifts all boats
*Free market economics
*Free trade

*Club for Growth
*Free Enterprise Fund
*National Review
*Cato Institute
*Heritage Foundation
*Cato Institute

*Economic Policy Institute
*Jared Bernstein
*Robert Reich
*Paul Krugman
*Big labor
*Lester Thurow
*Center for American Progress
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