Aimal Ghani

Aimal Ghani Ahmadzai (Pashto/) commonly referred to as Aimal Ghani is an Afghan politician.
Aimal Ghani Ahmadzai was born on August 2, 1994, of Afghan Pashtun descent. His father is Hashmat Ghani Ahmadzai, Grand Council Chieftain of the Kuchis. Ghani's father oversees the Ahmadzai, one of the largest Pashtun tribes, a significant portion of which resides on the southeastern side of the Durand Line in Waziristan, which is semi-controlled by Pakistan. His family lived in exile during his youth unable to travel to Afghanistan until 2002. Ghani studies at American University in Washington, D.C. majoring in International Affairs.
Personal life
Ghani is the youngest son of Hashmat Ghani Ahmadzai and nephew of Ashraf Ghani, the current president of Afghanistan.
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