Agincourt Junior Public School is an elementary school located in Agincourt, Toronto. The school was founded in 1913 to serve the Agincourt community. When the school was first founded it had only 4 class rooms, in which grades 1 to 12 were taught within. Agincourt Junior Public school is a part of the Toronto District School Board and serves approximately 210 students. With class average class size of about 25 students. Agincourt Junior Public school got a rating of 8.9 out of 10 on Education Quality and Accountability Office testing which is a provincial test that was developed to assure that student education is on par throughout the province. This test ranks about 2735 schools throughout Ontario, and in the Scarborough region Agincourt Junior Public school scored 8.9 leaving them in second place out of 41 schools.
The school has also implemented a daily physical education program in which students are expected to take part in a fifteen minute exercise recess each day.