Agile Toolkit

Agile Toolkit is a PHP Programming Language for developing Interactive Web Applications. Inspired by Desktop Toolkits (QT, Cocoa, .NET) it provides clever web application framework for developers with any skill level. Agile Toolkit is free for open-source projects and has commercial support.
Agile Toolkit consists of number of close-coupled classes implementing a commonly used features in web application, such as:
* DSQL (Object-Relational Mapping)
* Models (Active record pattern)
* Views (Simple implementation of Web widget)
* SMlite (Passive lightweight )
* jQuery Integration
* CSS Features (Reset, Fluid Grid System, Typography)
* JQuery UI Widget-enhanced Form, Grid, Menu
Agile Toolkit has been developed privately for over 10 years by Romans Malinovskis. Version 4.0.1 was released under AGPL in February 2011. Starting with no user-base at the time, Agile Toolkit has gained over thousands users in first 10 months.
Community Support
Agile Toolkit developer community evolves around StackOverflow and Google Group
Commercial Sponsor
The development of Agile Toolkit is sponsored by Agile Technologies and by some other companies.
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