Adolf Uunona

Adolf Hitler Uunona is a Namibian politician and former anti-apartheid activist who was elected as councillor for the Ompundja Constituency in 2004, 2010, 2015 and on 26 November 2020. He won the vote by 85%, as 1,196 voters voted for him. He is a member of the SWAPO party.
Uunona attracted the attention of the Internet worldwide in 2020 because his middle name, Hitler, makes his given names the same as that of the German dictator. Despite this, he was not fully aware of the connection until he was a teenager.
He stated in an interview with the German newspaper Bild, "It was a completely normal name for me as a child. It wasn't until I was growing up that I realized: This man wanted to subjugate the whole world. I have nothing to do with any of these things ... My father named me after this man. He probably didn't understand what Adolf Hitler stood for." In addition, he added, "It doesn't mean that I'm striving for world domination." Uunona also said that his wife, friends, and family call him simply by Adolf, leaving out the epithet 'Hitler'. He also expressed anger at international media outlets publishing a picture of him next to Hitler and for some calling him the "Adolf Hitler of Africa". He has been an elected councillor since 2004. When standing for election for councillor in Ompundja in 2020, Uunona's name was printed as "Adolf H" on the ballot paper. His full name was revealed after the full results were published. Uunona won his seat with 1,196 votes representing 85% of the vote<ref name=wash />
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