Adebayo Temitope Adeleke

Adebayo Temitope Adeleke (b. September 22, 1980) is a retired U.S Army Major, entrepreneur and educator.
Military Career (1998- 2018)
Adebayo Adeleke was enlisted into the U.S Army on July 16, 1998, at MEPS Station, New York. He went to Basic Training and upon completion, moved to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at, Fort Lee, Virginia. After graduating from AIT, Adebayo went to Fort Benning, Georgia to be trained as a Paratrooper. In October 2002, He was later assigned to the island of Okinawa, where he worked as a Property Book Officer Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge and Property Book Office Warehouse Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge, 1 </sup> Battalion, 1 </sup> Special Force Group, (Airborne) Okinawa, Japan.
Upon competition of his task in Japan, Adebayo moved back to the U.S and completed a course in Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Fort Benning, Georgia. He  retired as the Battalion Operations Officer, Mission and Installation Contracting Command-Hood, Texas as well as the Deputy Chief, Business Operations at Mission and Installation Contracting Command-Fort Hood.
Post Military Career
Adebayo currently serves as a lecturer in Supply Chain Management at the Sam Houston State University.
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