The Tapping Solution

The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-free Living is a self-help book by Nick Ortner, CEO of his company The Tapping Solution. Ortner made a documentary called The Tapping Solution, which inspired five online Tapping World Summits. Ortner and his Tapping Solution team have raised over $250,000 for tapping-related charities such as ProjectLight: Rwanda, The Veterans Stress Project, and You Can Thrive!. It is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and claims to be derived from modern psychology, although there is no scientific proof of this claim. It is said to be useful in relieving such conditions as migraines, fibromyalgia, phobias, body aches and posttraumatic stress disorder. EFT involves tapping on meridians while repeating a phrase that relates to the issue the tapper wants resolved.   The technique instructs individuals to tap on meridian endpoints of the body such as the top of the head, eye brows, under eyes, side of eyes, chin, collar bone, and under the arms. While tapping, they recite specific phrases that target the emotional component of disease symptoms.
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