Academic Assistance

Academic Writing, Freelance Academic Writing or Freelance Academic Assistance refers to the process of writing of academic papers, proofreading these papers, making project presentations, which refer to study process and resolving academic problems of any kind by professional writers, scholars and designers.

Academic Assistance - A Branch of Freelance Writing?

Nowadays Academic Assistance does become more and more popular field of work for freelancers to earn money. Moreover, it is now more often referred to as Freelance Academic Assistance that shows it direct affiliation to freelancing as it is seen by professional freelancers. With electronic technologies development the Internet has become the marketplace for Freelance Academic Assistants. If considered in terms of the Work Flow, Academic Assistance can be characterized by the following steps:

* The process of order choice
* The process of bidding for the order
* The process of approving or revision by the client
* The process of payment through the system of Payment Reports

Despite many arguments arising concerning either affiliation of Academic Assistance to freelancing as a working style or its total difference (due to its legal aspects) from it, familiarity Academic Assistance to Freelance Writing is undisputed.


The source of work for Freelance Academic Assistants is mostly American students, who tend to delegate some parts of their studies to professionals. Therefore, usually all the Academic Assistance Services required by students to be provided can be divided into four main blocks.

* Academic papers
* Proofreading/editing services
* Project presentations
* Problem-resolving services

These four blocks are supposed to form the core of successful studies and make student's life painless and their knowledge more narrow and deep.

Legal and Ethics

Growing popularity of Academic Assistance causes many disputes usually between providers of Academic Assistance services and Professors (who are actual providers of knowledge in educational establishments). Position of professors is quite understandable - they do not want their subject to be neglected and delegated by the students and they have got nothing to do with this, since plagiarism-detection systems do not work any more. Besides, there are no illegal aspects that might have caused Academic Assistance businesses to close their doors.

On the other hand, philosophy of Academic Assistance is the following: "It helps students to focus their affords on what they really want to take from their studies and, therefore, makes their knowledge more narrow " (Victor Gursky, Managing Director of PENCAMP). Surely, if considered in this context, Academic Assistance does have sense. Besides, it is still a good source of money for freelancers and does not seem to lose its popularity in the nearest future.

Major Players

* EssayWriters
* Academia Research
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