Aaron Yeary

Aaron Yeary (born 1975) is an American financial executive. He is a Partner, President and Portfolio Manager of Pine River Capital Management LP. Yeary has previously held positions at EBF & Associates.
Aaron Yeary received a BA in Economics from the University of Chicago in 1998.
Yeary is currently a Partner and the President of Pine River Capital, as well as the co-Portfolio Manager of the Pine River Fund. He began his career in 1998 at EBF & Associates, performing credit analysis and trading U.S. convertible bonds, debt and equities. In 2002, he joined colleague Brian Taylor when he departed to start Pine River Capital Management, a global relative value hedge fund, along with Nikhil Mankodi, Thomas Siering, and Jeff Stolt. Under Yeary’s management, the Pine River Fund was ranked 19 out of 100 top performing hedge funds by Bloomberg in 2013. In 2014, Yeary was named President of Pine River and took a more active role in the business management functions of the firm, while still co-managing the Pine River Fund.
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