Aanerud Industries

Aanerud Industries is a Norwegian design company with its offices based in Oslo, Norway and its workshop in Skogbygda, Norway. Simen Aanerud is the founder and Managing Director of the company.
A relatively young company, Aanerud Industries has made a sizeable impact in the design world. In 2013 the company created much of the exhibition items for the BikBok flagship store in Oslo, Norway. They also made contribution to the then newly created Mathallen. The company was started by Simen Aanerud and firstly created custom racks for food storage. From there it has grown to make interiors for restaurants, shops, and private residences. The idea behind all of its design and processes is "turning creativity into joy". Founder Simen Aanerud gave a Pecha Kucha talk in Oslo on how he works.
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