3MX (Matt's Mipsel Mini Linux) is a GNU/Linux operating system distribution designed specifically to run on small netbooks based on the Skytone Alpha-400 mini-laptop design. Mipsel refers to the MIPS architecture operating with a representation, supported by the Ingenic Semiconductor JZ4730 system on a chip employed in the supported products. Matt refers to Matt Oudenhoven, who also uses the identity wicknix.
The distribution is derived from a combination of the original recovery image for the product, binary packages from Debian GNU/Linux distribution, and some packages built from source using the OpenEmbedded software framework.
Versions and variants
A small number of freely-available versions exist that are merely variants of the core system, providing certain functional differences and bug fixes, offering the familiar trade-off between higher performance in earlier versions and enhancements in later versions.
The 3MX Ultra release features more than one Web browser, unlike the original software provided for the product, and it also features a word processor, spreadsheet, PDF reader, HTML editor, e-mail and instant messaging software, video and MP3 player, Internet radio, sound recorder, Flash player, Game Boy emulator, a number of Linux games including Tetris, a Super NES emulator and much more, giving it an extensive range of features.
The 3MX Retro release is essentially a faster, better-featured version of the default Alpha 400 software environment.
Release branches
3MX release naming tends to employ "rc" (release candidate), "final" and other version-related nomenclature interchangeably. and 3MX-rc1.2 releases, is the original branch of the software. It also provides the Bon Echo (Firefox 2) browser and Pidgin instant messaging client.
3MX-rc2 is a subsequent branch of the software, culminating in the rc2.1 release. It replaces Bon Echo with Firefox 3.
3MX-rc3 introduced numerous new applications, replacing Firefox with Iceweasel, culminating with 3MX-rc3.1.
3MX-rc4 is the final separate branch of the software, aiming to deliver the most functionality (a lot of popular games, updated applications, a working battery status monitor icon).
3MX Ultra
3MX Ultra is a continuation of the 3MX-rc1 branch as opposed to the further development of the 3MX-rc4 branch. Suggestions for new programs and features were made on the Small Linux Laptop forum.
This release provided many bug fixes and a few new programs, such as Defendguin and a shareware version of Doom (prboom). Significant applications include the following:
*Internet: Bon Echo (Firefox, Skipstone 0.9.7, Elinks 0.11.1, Pidgin 2.6.5, Sylpheed 2.7.1
*Office: AbiWord 2.4.5, Gnumeric 1.6.3, ePDFView 0.1.6
*Editors: Bluefish 1.0.7, Geany 0.9, NEdit 5.5, SciTE 1.71, Midnight Commander 4.6.1
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