38 Geary

The 38 Geary is a San Francisco Municipal Railway bus route that runs from San Francisco's Transbay Terminal to the three branches separating at 33rd Avenue to Ocean Beach, Fort Miley, and 48th Ave & Point Lobos.


The 38 Geary was really the B Geary until its replacement of buses in the 1950s because of the widening of Geary Street to Geary Boulevard. The bus route is current the busiest in the system, in fact, it is so busy a 38L Geary Limited was implemented in the 1980s, around the same time the 38 was one of the candidates for articulation (before that, the 38 used GM buses.

Currently, there are plans to convert Geary Bolevard into a Bus Rapid Transit corridor with low floor buses, but are still designing the configuration. Construction is expected to start in 2009, and most of the phases have been implemented, notably on the section between Gough Street and Market Street. The lanes will be rail-ready, so the B Geary can then be constructed.
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