
2FACED1 is a transnational movement with pop culture as the collective language and intersectionality as a common view. It is about seeing identity as a [, ongoing process and how identity is passed or brought to life by discourse.
A 2FACED1 (pronounced two-faced-one) is somebody that is highly aware of existing stereotypes related to your race, nationality, gender, sexuality and class. A 2FACED1 is trying to avoid the stereotypes but does also sometimes play with them to make people think twice about who they are. To be twofaced doesn’t mean anything negative here, it rather explain the double folded view one have on identity if they’re not the existing norm. It means one have the feet in different worlds, can move between them but feel rather at home in that space in between. A 2FACED1 steps out the comfort zone and becomes one of the new identities where old categories are mashed up and where rootlessness and non-given identity just means major possibilities.
The word 2FACED1 was coined in June 2009 by Maria "Decida" Wahlberg who also started the project.
2FACED1.COM is a site that highlights this way of thinking and aims to develop 2FACED1 as well as a performative ongoing process, a movement and as a perspective of the world. Out of an image composition of two photos for each 2FACED1, Photo/Persona one: What you want to be considered as and Photo two/ persona two . What you fear to be considered as, the site wants to clarify and discuss prevailing stereotypes and bias.It is about taking a journey among modern day identities, subcultures and stereotypes by asking real life people from a world where old categories as race, nationality, gender, sexuality and class are reassessed, why they look like they do.
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