Zianna Oliphant

Zianna Oliphant caught the attention of world on 27 September, 2016 by speaking at a public meeting held before the City Council one week following the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Periodically breaking down in tears, the nine-year-old composed herself and continued to speak at the podium for several minutes.
She explained why she felt compelled to speak up at the meeting, saying “We shouldn’t have to protest because you all are treating us wrong. We do this because we need to and have rights.”
"It's a shame that our fathers and mothers are killed, and we can't even see them any more. It's a shame we have to go to their graveyard."
Zianna and her siblings are active in a local police youth league and her parents had encouraged the children to regard police officers as role models.
While campaigning, former Secretary of State and US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton quoted Oliphant's speech on 2 October, 2016, during a visit to Charlotte.
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