Zero drop

The concept of Zero Drop has been taken on by individuals who are seeking a more natural running experience without fully giving up their shoes. With the onslaught of barefoot and minimalist runners seeking an option to reduce their heel and increase the natural biomechanics of their foot strike while running.
The concept takes an average running shoe and reduces the heel to make an even midsole and outsole on the shoe. So you are taking a 24mm heel/12mm forefoot to become a 12mm heel/12mm forefoot. Many have used a local cobbler to design this. There are a few shoe companies that employ this within there shoes currently. It is only a few however. Obviously Vibram has done it with the FiveFingers and then also some casual shoe companies like Cushe. There are a few that are focused on the running shoe industry that are coming to market. Two of which we have been made aware of are Skora and Stem Footwear.
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