Yuriy Andriyovych Sydorov

Yuriy Andriyovych Sydorov (born January 16, 1983, Rostov on Don, Russia)
Birth and childhood
Sydorov was born on January 16, 1983 in Rostov on Don, Russia. His father was a military man, and his mother served as a paramedic. In early childhood Yuriy's father was frequently reassigned, and his family therefore had to move about over and over.
He graduated from school which is located in Kyiv region. Being a pupil, used to do freestyle wrestling and Music. Also Yuriy was fond of studying foreign languages, such as English and German. After graduating was enrolled in Kyiv Economic University, where he successfully obtained a in 2004. In 2005 Yuriy also got a Master's degree in "Goods and services market management. After that, in 2014, he obtained the MBA degree at Edinburgh Business School.
Due to his family's poverty, Yuriy started to earn his living at the age of 16, combining work and education. First steps he took were in the advertising business and commercials, where Yuriy held the position of a Sales manager in "Prices" weekly chronicle.
Within 4 years, in age of 20, Yuriy became a commercial director of the advertising agency. This was the beginning of a long-term experience, while working for the global European and American companies, where Yuriy succeeded from sales to top manager. One of the recent positions held is Head of Sales in French company, which manufactures individual protection means and unionalls. Working as an employee, Yuriy also has projects of his own.
Nowadays Yuriy Sydorov is holding the position of UVETZ, Austria
In 2015 for his personal contribution to the promotion on international business and national entrepreneurship Yuriy Sydorov has been decorated with Honorary Insignia "The Golden Scythian Pectoral" of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.
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