
It is an open source solution. It's written in PHP and with YouPHPTube was maded to let users create their own video sharing site just look like YouTube.
YouPHPTube is able to download and encode videos from other sites like Youtube, Vimeo, etc. and you can share directly on your website.
Also has the function to use Facebook or Google login to register users on your site.
If you create a Youtube channel is not enough for you, there is a very interesting alternative. You can now have your own video portal with YouPHPTube, an Open Source application developed in PHP.
With this system it is possible to put on the air a site identical to YouTube, with the option of users to share videos and audio files, such as Podcasts. Everything in this application is simple and easy to use and install.
YouPHPTube is one of the most complete systems for creating multimedia sites that exist and because Open Source can receive news and updates frequently. By following the hosting tips contained on their site you will be able to have your own Youtube in minutes with no hassle.
As spoken in the video the application YouPHPTube is Open Source and can be downloaded and used without any kind of payment. Its source code is available on Github and can be checked and downloaded by anyone.
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Front end
* Bootstrap
* Flag icons
* Fonts awesome
* Bootpag
* Bootgrid
* Bootstrapselectpicker
* Jquery
* Sweetalert
* Videojs
* Mini-upload-form
Back end
* Linux
* Apache
* Php
* Php-mailer
* Hybridauth
* Mysql
* Ffmpeg
* Youtube-dl
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