
The web technology, Youlicit, is a website recommendation engine that relies on the “wisdom of the crowds” to guide users to sites with similar content. In other words, given a website, Youlicit will return the most related sites as well as those that are considered the most popular by other users. Youlicit is accessed through a browser toolbar that is currently only available for Firefox (version 2.0 and higher).

Youlicit reduces information overload by using collaborative filtering to provide the most relevant web-content related to the site the user is on. It gathers data from its users as well as user-generated content from various other sources. No registration is required to use Youlicit’s recommendation engine. Registered users, however, can rate websites and receive personalized recommendations based on their interests.

Youlicit was first released in alpha in May 2007 and is currently operating in beta.
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