You could be happy

"You Could Be Happy" is a song by alternative rock band Snow Patrol. The song is the sixth track on the band's 2006 album Eyes Open, but was never released as a single, however, the song has still managed to attract a lot of attention and popularity, and is widely used in the media, usually as ambient music in documentaries, reality shows, etc. It was also used in an episode of Small Ville.
Song Information
The simplicity of the song's lyrics is in stark contrast with the usually articulate, poetic lyrics of most Snow Patrol songs, written by Gary Lightbody. The lyrics of the song, however basic, tell a story of unrequited love, and inner conflict with the speaker. The melodic structure of the song mirrors the simplicity of the lyrics. The function behind this simplicity, could be to show that the subject of the song is all that is on the speakers mind, and the lyrics of the song, are nothing more or less than what the speaker wishes to say to his beloved.
Lightbody has said that he does not wish to state the meaning behind his music, so that the listeners can come to their own conclusions, and relate the songs to their own feelings. However, the meaning behind their songs has been widely discussed online, and on fan forums
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