Yo soy Choncha

Yo soy Choncha: El Diario de una Gorda (English translation: I am Choncha: The Diary of a Fat Girl) is a semi-autobiographical novel by María José Rubio. It was published in 2003 through Editorial Trillas México and is based on Rubio's life. The book has received criticism upon its release, as some saw it as promoting bullying and eating disorders.
The book follows Josselyn Concepciòn Abelarda Betancourt, a character loosely based off of Rubio herself, an obsese teenager that is called "Choncha" due to her issues with her weight. At her new school Josselyn tries to put on a rebellious attitude in an attempt to keep anyone else from bullying her, which only backfires on her. She befriends a group of outsiders called the "Monstruolandia" due to them being composed of nerds, goths, and people considered to be unattractive due to various reasons. These friendships make Josselyn feel less alone, even more so when she begins to truly attract the attention of the elite modeling clique "The Divas". The clique goes out of their way to bully Josselyn and persuades Hollister model Rolando and his friend Justin to assist in this task. Josselyn ends up falling for Rolando despite his teasing, as he is alternatively kind or cruel to her. Eventually Josselyn begins to associate more with the Divas, especially after she begins to practice bullemia and anorexia in order to lose weight. The Divas propose a bargain: if Josselyn helps them pass difficult tests and does all of their homework for them, they'll be her friend. Despite this, they still habitually make fun of her. After a while of this treatment Josselyn decides to leave the group, but is persuaded to stay after the Divas persuade Rolando to pretend to be interested in her. This is effective until Rolando rejects Josselyn due to her appearance, spurring her eating disorders on more in an attempt to appeal to Rolando.
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