Yellow Fever (film)

Yellow Fever is a short film by Rod Stewart's Ambition, created in one week for Campus MovieFest in 2011. The short played at Campus MovieFest's New York University competition in New York, NY where it won the Audience award, and went on to screen at the CMF International Grand Finale. The title makes reference to a slang term for an Asian Fetish.
After he realizes his friends Dave and Mandy have set him up on a blind date with an Asian girl, Amy, Jim begins to worry that Amy might think that he has an Asian fetish. Jim goes into the kitchen to try to escape, but wonders if worrying this much about Yellow Fever might mean that he actually has yellow fever.
Jim admits to Amy that he thinks he has Yellow Fever, but when she accepts that fact and reveals her own White Fetish, Jim and his friends call her racist and chase her away.
* Aaron Farenback-Brateman as Jim
* Sarah Jun as Amy
* Matthew Taylor as Dave
* Ester Steinberg as Mandy
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