Yechida Satori

Yechida Satori is an act of love that fuses the transcendental experience of Kabbalistic and Buddhist mysticism.

Theme and Inspiration (Book I)
It was conceived by Lampara during the summer/fall of 2004 as a free guitar improvisation based on the Dalet (the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet which symbolizes the four realms of the universe in all of its totality) and quitely inspired by New York City's downtown music movement under John Zorn and Marc Ribot.
*Aziluth (emanation: the endless energy of the divine)
*Beriah (creation: ideas with abstract forms and structures)
*Yetzirah (formation: blueprints or paterns of invisible or invincible nature)
*Assiyah (action: where tangible reality exists)

Scheme (Book II)
It is also an eclectic human solo act based on the four modes of the soul:
*Nefesh: the first dimension of the person
*Ruach: a set of emotions and impulses that drive us forward and make us exist
*Nekhama: the creation of ideas within abtract forms or shapes
*Kaya: the world of emanation which may lead to yechida or satori (the highest state of enlightment according to the Zen teachings of Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki)
Book 3 (Hopscotch)
In the song, Yetzirah and Ruach are totally fused within the true forms of love which form part of the . It is also dedicated to Julio Cortázar, a man under no nation, only humans.

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*In the Temple of Hadjarim
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