
Ybarro/Ybrahim is a major character in the Philippine fantasy-themed television series entitled Encantadia. He was initially referred to by the name Ybarro early in the series, which was given to him by his adoptive father Apitong to keep him safe from the Hathors who was bent on killing him as an infant after the Sapiryans' great war against the Hathors.
He was a mandirigma (term referring to warrior), a lowly denizen inhabiting the outskirts of the Kingdom of Lireo notoriously known for their barbaric means and thievery, but despite their barbaric ways they are very hospitable and are also good hearted that even the Adamyans are their friends.
Ybrahim is the only son of King Armeo and the only grandchild of King Meno and the sole heir to the fallen Kingdom of Sapiro who eventually inherits the crown and restores his kingdom to its powerful rule. In the course of the saga, he stood as the Sang'gres' defender and ally. He was the destined father of Amihan's heir, Lira and became Alena's consort and had two children with her, Kahlil and Armea.
Character background
Ybarro is the heir to the throne of Sapiro and one of the bravest warriors of Encantadia. He is the father of Lira through Amihan and Kahlil through Alena. He is also the man behind the Kalasag.
After the war against Hathoria he became the king of the newly revived Sapiro. He eventually wed his true love Sang'gre Alena and made her the queen of Sapiro. He along with his wife are the guardians of their granddaughter, Cassandra.
Ybarro/Ybrahim's History: Ybarro is the bravest and strongest warrior Encantadia has ever seen, he is also the most cunning, shrewdest and most gallant of all the warriors. He fell in love with the sang'gre Alena the keeper of the gemstone of water but was also chosen by Bathla to be the father of Amihan's daughter.
Ybarro later in the story learned that he is actually a prince and not just any prince he is the sole heir to the throne of Sapiro, he also learned that his real name is Ybrahim and his real parents are King Armeo of Sapiro and Queen Mayne. upon learning his true identity everything became clear to him that all his abilities are all caused by the Sapirian blood flowing in his veins, he then later learned how to use all his powers and he also learned the fighting arts of the Sapirians from his Uncle Raquim who went down from Devas to teach Ybrahim new skills that will help him in his promise to rebuild the kingdom of Sapiro.
But despite knowing his true identity he did not claim the gemstone of earth from Danaya which is rightfully his and he even protected the diwatas fiercely protecting them especially the sang'gres, he even remained humble despite learning he is a prince.
In the Kalasag Armor he is unstoppable.
* Lira - first-born child of Ybrahim with Amihan. She is the savior of Encantadia and the mother of his granddaughter Cassandra.
* Kahlil - his first son with his wife Queen Alena. Second of the four siblings. He possessed invincibility from any form of weapon, power or attack and was a skilled warrior in weaponry and combat like his father. He was first killed by Danaya and was killed again by Aquil using the Avatar, his only weakness.
It seems to it that his offsprings were given by destiny a life tracing their father's past. It was Sanggre Lira at first being thrown to the world of the mortals. In the kind of life many look down at unknowing that beyond this, there is something bigger and much better in store for her.
Next to her comes the only male Sanggre of Encantadia. Like his father, their mothers were forced to separate from their sons for the sake of their offspring's safety in the face of all kinds of danger.
Third is Sanggre Armea. Similar to that of his father, she grew up in the presence of thieves who in some ways, are also kind-hearted like the Mandirigmas.
Last but definitely not the least, Prince Arman. Unknowing completely of his own identity, he is at the hands of darkness. However, like his father, blood at the side of light unstoppingly flows through his veins. With that, the softness of his heart never lets itself be the last one to control him.
Abilities and weapons
Ybarro/Ybrahim has the standard power of the Sapirians to heal all kinds of diseases, famine, wounds, injuries and plague. Also like his father King Armeo he can also shoot out blast bolts from his hands and can also teleport.
Like any other Saprians he has incredible strength and he draws all his powers from it, he also has ultra-heightened senses similar to animals and has the ability to talk to plants and animals
Ybrahim has a sword that he has used since his days as a Mandirigma, but he later inherited the Kalasag armor from his uncle Prince Raquim and it made him more dangerous and deadlier. The Kalasag armor was forged by Aquil's father Amarro. It is very indestructible that it can resist the deadly glares and forces from the Kabilan. It also comes with a black sword that comes with a blade that glows blue when used against an opponent or enemy allowing it to cut through any surface.
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