Yasser Abdel Rahman (born 1961) is a composer and son of Egyptian writer the late Abdel-Rahman Fahmi author of the series in the fall of Be'er Sheva. He began studying music at an early age and joined the Institute of Arab Music Academy of Arts. He specializes in playing the violin, having learnt at the hands of numerous experts from the music of foreigners in Egypt at that time as well as other music teachers in Egypt, including: Hassan Sharara expert classical violin and Ahmed Hefnawi, Abdel Fattah, professor Saad Khairi and Mohammed Hassan. He received a bachelor's degree in music appreciation in 1983, and decided to management of the institute appointed by the dean of the violin, and received a doctorate in music composition from Germany. First work was in 1990: Series Alosep Egyptian citizen and a movie for which he received an award at the Cairo International Film Festival.