Yaesu FT-450

The Yaesu FT-450 is an entry level amateur radio transceiver made by Yaesu. It transmits on eleven amateur bands, from 160 meters through 6 meters. It also has a receive frequency coverage of 30 kHz to 56 MHz. The FT-450 features an IF-DSP (width, notch filter, contour and noise blanker functions), which is uncommon for its price range.
In addition to the front-end features the Yaesu FT-450 provides complete computer and accessories interface connections on the back panel. The <u>DATA</u> (6 pin) jack provides receiver audio and squelch signals and PTT control from an external packet TNC. The <u>TUNER</u> (8 pin) jack or DIN connector is used for the Yaesu FC-30 or FC-40 external automatic antenna tuner. The <u>LINEAR</u> (10 pin) output jack provides band selection data, commonly used for the optional VL-1000 solid-state linear amplifier. The DB-9serial port allows it to be controlled externally from a computer.
Yaesu FT-450 models provide digital voice announcement - "select frequency, mode, meter reading" for visual impaired amateur radio operators.
Feature overview
*Transmit frequency coverage: 160 - 6 meters
*Receive frequency coverage: 30 kHz - 56 MHz
*Power output: 100 watts (160 - 6 meters)
*Operating modes: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
*400 MHz built-in IF-DSP
*Built-in electronic keyer
*Multi-color LCD multi-function display
*Bar-graph metering
*Built-in TCXO ± 1 PPM/hour (after warmup)
*AGC Fast-Slow-Auto-Off selection
*IF width & shift, contour, digital NR, manual notch filter
*Dedicated data jack for FSK-RTTY
*Optional internal antenna tuner (ATU-450)
*Optional carry handle
*Built-in CTCSS
*User functions configurable by menu
*Digital voice announcement of frequency, mode and S-meter
*Clarifier adjustment
*500 regular memories
*Two voice memories
*CW beacon function (up to 118 characters)
*10 kHz roofing filter
The current FT-450D supersedes the original FT-450 and FT-450AT models that have been discontinued, and changes the following:
*Internal tuner standard
*Illuminated key buttons
*Display color no longer selectable
*300 Hz / 500 Hz / 2.4 kHz CW IF filters
*Front feet stands
*"Classically-designed" main dial and knobs (IF shift, DSP/select, tuning, SQL/RF gain & AF gain)
*The MH-67A8J hand microphone is replaced with the MH-31A8J hand microphone
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