Xtreme 3D

Xtreme 3D, also referred to as X3D, is a free 3D engine designed for use with Game Maker. It currently uses OpenGL 1.5 and is programmed by Xception in Borland Delphi using the GLScene open source graphics library.
Xtreme 3D is a way to create professional-looking 3D games with GML, built-in programming language of the user friendly game creation software Game Maker, which only supported 2D rendering at the time of the first Xtreme 3D release, and only basic 3D functionality at the moment.
Xtreme3D 3D offers much more features, which could be used to make advanced 3D graphics.
The following is a list of its important features:
* Different kinds of primitives (cube, sphere, plane, cylinder, torus, cone, disk, annulus)
* Static geometry model loading system for:
** 3D Studio Max files (*.3ds)
** Maya files (*.obj)
** Lightwave files (*.lwo)
** Quake BSP files (*.bsp)
** Milkshape 3D files (*.ms3d)
** Cartography Shop files (*.map)
** LMTools files (*.lmts)
** Deled files (*.dmf)
** Blitz3D files (*.b3d)
* Animated geometry model loading system for:
** Quake II model files (*.md2)
** Quake III model files (*.md3)
** Doom III model files (*.md5)
** Half-Life model files (*.smd)
* A wide variety of supported image formats: bmp, jpg, pcx, png, psd, tga, tif
* Full-functional parent/children scene hierarchy
* Lighting and fog system
* Support for sky cubes and sky domes
* Functions for drawing 2D graphics and text
* Several ways to do efficient collision checking, including fully automated ones
* Ray casting algorithm
* Bump mapping effect support
* Cel-shading for comic style graphics
* Multitexturing for techniques such as light mapping
* Spherical and cubical environment mapping for reflection effects
* Support for real-time shadows
* Realistic animated water surface
* Motion blur effect
* Lens flare effect
* Trail effect
* A mirror object
* A terrain renderer for big and detailed terrains
* A particle effects system that simulates fire
* A particle effects system that simulates lightnings and laser rays
* Tree generator
* Integrated ODE rigid body dynamics and physics engine support
* Support for multiple screens
* Render to texture and render to cube map functions
* An Octree and Quadtree partitioning for highly efficient culling
Xtreme 3D is used via Game Maker's built-in extension capabilities. A DLL and script library can be merged with a Game Maker project to allow use of Xtreme 3D. It is supported in Game Maker versions 5 and later.
In contrast to Game Maker's existing Direct3D functions, Ultimate 3D draws a separate window over Game Maker and renders to it.
Since 2 programs can't render the same portion of the screen at the same time, integrated GM drawing functions can't be used together with Xtreme 3D. That's why X3D also integrates 2D drawing functions.
Games using Xtreme 3D
A number of games are currently being developed with X3D. The most popular (thought discontinued) is The Ultimate Chuchu 2 (T.U.C.2), fast-paced shooter by Nick Larin. Another game is an RTS entitled Dawn Of Civilizations. There are also several other projects, in development or discontinued: Choco-maniA, Cloud Ocean, Robby of War, Requiem: Hell Gate of Doom, Road to Glory.
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