Wrightsboro Elementary School

Wrightsboro is a 100 year old school made in 1901.The school has gone through many changes,such as : the media center used to be a stage and the main building (a.k.a 500 building) was the only building.During the years like said,there has been many changes.During the 2009-2010 era people who used to go to school there were interviewed about there experieces at the school.During the 2008 renovation of the main building the whole main building was moved the other building(s).They had to re-do the building because two students set a fire in a trash can.The school and the Wrightsboro Baptist church work together for special occasions.During late 2009 and very early 2010 "they" were building what is known as the "Family Center" where they hold the "Cool Cats" Celebration.The school mascot is a tiger.Each grade gets a different color folder but with the same design.They write the slogan "Today We Learn,Tommorow We Lead.".Whenever students do nice things or do things without asking they get a sticker in the shape of a paw and it reads "I'm A Wrightsboro Cool Cat".On April 1, 2011 the Wrightsboro Fire Department came to the school because the American and N.C state flags were tied wrong.
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