World 8-4

World 8-4 is a Super Mario Brothers level. This is the castle level, but with underwater.
The player starts off on a stairs. The fire water and a pipe, but with no-going. The pipe to going, but are a three Goombas, and a after that enemies, are a fire water, but with platform (not going down or up) going to a left and right. A pipe on stone to going, and a hidden Question Block. A Koopa Paratroopas, Beetles, and after enemies are a pipe going. The again repeat. A pipe who going, and a underwater. The some Bloopers, and a castle again. The Cheep-Cheeps who flying fast, the hit a Cheep Cheep are easy. To see a Cheep Cheeps, go to a other pipe. The Hammer Bro who throwing hammers, and a Bowser who throwing hammers with a fire. And a level ends. The Peach thanks to the player from Bowser, and all Goombas in a game become Buzzy Beetles, and game repeats.
* Goombas
** Koopa Paratroopas
** Buzzy Beetles
** Cheep Cheeps (red)
** Hammer Bro
** Bowser
Underwater enemies
* Bloopers
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