Works Cannon

The Works Cannon is a cannon using a works bomb to propel a projectile out of a tube.
The most basic construction of the 'cannon' is simply a tube with one end sealed on one end to direct the force towards one end of the tube. Thus you have just made the cannons barrel. Once the barrel is constructed just build a structure to prop it on creating a launch angel.
To fire the cannon, simply place the cannon on the prop, slide the works bomb down the barrel, place your projectile in the barrel on top of the bomb. Proceed by getting a safe distance away.
The dangers of the Works Cannon are great. The timing of the explosion is very unpredictable. It can take anywhere between 5 seconds and 5 minutes to go off. Never stand directly in front of the barrel. These cannons are capable of producing a great amount of force. They have to ability to launch baseballs over 100 yards. They are loads of fun but must be handled with care. Always know where the cannon is pointing and whose around. Never point the cannon are people or buildings.
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