Wolves Summit

Wolves Summit is an international conference for startups, investors, corporate representatives and developers from over 50 countries. It focuses on innovations in technology and promotes the idea of networking, mainly due to a tool which enables setting up 1:1 meetings with participants of one’s choice. The conference agenda provides a competition for startups, The Great Pitch, where companies at an early stage of development can win $100 000 in cash and investment and the more experienced ones a Media Package. The first edition of the conference provided the main prize of $50 000.
The upcoming fourth edition of Wolves Summit is taking place on 25-26 October 2016 in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland.
Fourth edition
The fourth edition is planned for 25-26 October 2016. It will take place in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. There are two additional days in the agenda: 24 October is for startups and investors and 27 October. During this day there will take place a new event called Wolves Summit R&D. Representatives of Polish science, administration, business and investment funds will meet and discuss introducing Polish innovations to business.
Third edition
The third edition took place on 11-13 April 2016 in Warsaw. 2044 people from 51 countries participated. Among them 276 startups, 221 investors and 313 corporate representatives. The Great Pitch competition for young tech companies was held within the event. The winners, SwipeStox from Germany and Twisto from Czech Republic, got $100 000 in cash and investment and a Media Package respectively.
Second edition
The second edition was moved from Gdynia to Warsaw and took place on 27-28 October 2015 with an additional day, 26 October, for startups and investors. 1568 people from 51 countries participated in the conference, including 251 startups, 304 corporate representatives and 156 investors. A British startup Toothscan received the main award of $100 000 during The Great Pitch competition.
First edition
Wolves Summit first took place in the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park in Gdynia on 14-16 April 2015. 1356 people from 27 countries participated, including 102 investors, 96 startups and 148 corporate representatives. The grand prize was given to a Canadian startup Ourotech. SayYeah from Argentina received the Main Sponsor’s prize.
The Great Pitch
A competition for startups participating in Wolves Summit held within the conference. It has been held three times so far. Total prize pool amounts to $250 000.
The Great Pitch consists of two paths: Young and Experienced, which depend on the level of startups’ development. Young startups are on an early stage of development and compete for $100 000 ($25K in cash and $75K in investment). Experienced startups, which are at a higher level of development, compete for a Media Package.
The three stages of the competition (qualifications, semifinals and finals) are held throughout three days of Wolves Summit. Companies with highest scores are qualified for the next stages. The jury consists of an international group of investors.
The Wolves Summit conference offers 5 networking activities, which make establishing business talks between participants easier.
Matchmaking Tool
An application which helps arrange a meeting agenda before the conference and reach the most valuable and interesting people.
Round Tables
Topic-specific meetings in a narrow group. Round Tables are for participants holding the Investor ticket. They stimulate the exchange of experiences and views.
Speed Dates
Short individual meetings between startups and investors. They last for 15 minutes and allow developing the list of business contacts and gaining investment.
Meeting Points
Networking takes place in designated spots, which help find other conference attendees quickly.
Evening networking events
A Networking Party is held within the Wolves Summit conference. It’s open to all event participants. A separate VIP Party is organized for investors, speakers and corporate representatives.
The initiators of Wolves Summit, Barbara, Piotr and Marek Piasek, are entrepreneurs with many years of professional experience in corporations and in running their own business. They also organize other projects, such as See Bloggers, Marketing Day and The Sales Gate.
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