Wolfgang J. Lutz

Wolfgang J. Lutz (May 27, 1913 - 19 September 2010) was an Austrian inventor, physician and author of Leben ohne Brot. He showed how, with little recourse to surgery or drugs, fundamental improvement could be made to health through low carbohydrate nutrition; Lutz demonstrated, inter alia, a probable way of preventing the huge and mounting toll exacted by obesity and diabetes. To honour this contribution, Lutz was made a Freeman of the City of London in 2007. His book with Christian Allan: Life without Bread: How a low-carbohydrate diet can save your life is still in print after 16 years. Recently a biography has been published: My Life without Bread: Dr Lutz at 90, which includes a complete list of his publications, also: Uncle Wolfi's Secret, which explores the work of Dr Lutz in everyday language.
Early life
Born in 1913 in Upper Austria, Dr Lutz read medicine at Innsbruck and Vienna. His notable career in scientific research included inventing a prototype spacesuit and developing resuscitation techniques to prevent death from freezing, which brought Lutz the award of Habilitation, a great distinction in the scientific world, together with a post doctoral degree in internal and aviation medicine from the University of Vienna, After World War II, Wolfgang Lutz became a practicing physician.
Personal life
Dr Wolfgang Lutz had five children. In 1997 Dr Lutz registered with the B M A in order to be able to work in the U K. He and his 3rd wife Helen Paula lived for 6 months a year in London and spent the other six in Graz, Austria.<ref name="reffive" /> Wolfgang Lutz was a member of the Athenaeum Club.
* Leben ohne Brot 1967, 16th Edition 2007,
* with Christian B Allan: Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life 2000,
* Die Lutz Diät 1986. .
* Cholesterol und tierische Fette Planegg 1988. .
* with Jürgen Schole: Regulationskrankheiten: Versuch einer fachübergreifenden Analyse. Stuttgart 1988, .
* Dismantling a Myth: The Role of Fat and Carbohydrates in Our Diet 1986. .
* Kranker Magen - Kranker Darm. 1995, (Online-Version).
* Internistische Alltag 1970, Selecta-Verlag, Planegg bei München
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