WMWC (college radio)

WMWC is the student-run campus radio station of the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
WMWC features an eclectic mix of college rock, hard rock, metal, hip hop, electronica, vinyl, local music, classics showtunes, and more. Shows are genre-specific, and in between there are hours for freeform called "Free Play Hours". Free Play Hours are for those who wish to be involved in the station but do not have the time to commit to genre-specific, marketable shows. These hours are dependent on the schedules of the current officers.
WMWC was born in 1946 as "The Mike Club", registering under the name "Station WMWC" with the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System. The station later reappeared in the 1980s on the 540 AM radio frequency. Cable FM radio was granted in 1995, and for the next four years the station broadcast over 91.5 cable FM through a cable radio hookup in all dorms or via "radiating cable" in a few test dorms which allowed students to listen without any special connecting equipment. 1999 saw the onset of WMWC's broadcasting over campus television on channel 26. In the spring of 2006 campus-wide webcasting was obtained to improve listenership and to adapt to the trends of modern radio. By the fall of 2007 webcasting was expanded to world-wide availability to better reach a wider audience. In the fall of 2008 efforts are underway to completely digitize that radio station's entire music library to provide for a wider musical selection to DJs and audiences.
Historically, the station has been located in the attic of Lee Hall. Beginning in Fall 2006 the station started operating in Woodard Campus Center when Lee Hall began renovations. WMWC is the last university entity to retain the Mary Washington College name within its own title following the switch to university status in the spring of 2004.
WMWC leadership
*General Manager: Abbey Bailey
*Station Manager: Chloe Chindgren
*Vice-Station Manager: Paul King
*Treasurer: Matthew Allocca
*Vice-Treasurer: Mark Herring
*Music Director: Lauren Sargent
*Vice-Music Director: Jada Steward
*Communications and Publications: Jasmine Pineda
*Vice Communications and Publications: Hannah Woehrle
*(Vice) Technician: Alex Rudenshiold
*Secretary: Kelly Ohmann
*Hypeman: Ahad Shahid
*Faculty Advisor: Dr. Raymond Tuttle, Director of Judicial Affairs and Community Responsibility
Broadcast information
WMWC's internet stream can be listened to online at WMWC.UMWblogs.org/listen-here.
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