Wiscasset Carla Pierce Day

Wiscasset Carla Pierce Day
Carla Pierce was one of the most revered teachers ever in Wiscasset, ME. She taught there for fifty years, inspiring high school students for continue their studies in Social Sciences.
Carla received her Bachelor of Arts in Education at the University of Maine at Farmington. Later, she went on to receive her Master's in Education from Harvard and Ph.D. in History from the University of Pennsylvania.
On May 6, 2001, the Town of Wiscasset, ME. made a resolution to set a date that heretofore would be known as "National Carla Pierce Day", to be celebrated on May 15th of each year. The small coastal town celebrates this woman every year with a parade in which teachers, alumni, and current students dress in costumes depicting favorite events in American History. These events are chosen annually by the current head of the Social Sciences, Kelley Duffy. After the parade the locals gather at the waterfront to enjoy a feast of lobster and Whoopie Pies, a traditional dessert in that region.
Carla retired in 2008 and moved to Daphne, Alabama. The cold of Maine winters had begun to take their toll on her. The move to the south allowed her to continue to run, bike, swim and hike and participate in many reenactments. These days she and her husband Bruce travel throughout the Heart of Dixie, dressed either in Revolutionary or Civil War attire (she wears a Union Uniform while he prefers to play a general of the Confederate States.)
http://www.summitpost.org/mount-pierce/151435 http://carlapierce.com/blog1/tag/everyone-here-has-a-better-phone-than-me/
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